
The Meat of the Matter

By Tiwaysyya Segaran In 2016, a company named Impossible Foods introduced a truly impossible food: a vegetarian burger that bleeds. Gimmicky as it was, the proof of the pudding, as they say, is in the eating, and people were amazed at how closely the vegetarian burger simulated a beef burger.

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A Guide to Protecting AI-Related Technologies in Thailand

By Wipaphat S. Trossel Thailand, renowned for its rich cultural heritage, has always embraced artistic endeavors and innovative thinking. With the advent of AI, a new wave of creative possibilities has emerged, pushing boundaries and challenging traditional notions of creativity. AI-generated works harness the power of machine learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data,

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From Monopoly to Mandatory: Exploring Compulsory Licensing of Patents in Vietnam

By Ngan Pham An invention is the creation of a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something or a new technical solution to an existing problem, that involves enormous intellectual and financial investment. Thus, to reward innovators and stimulate R&D activities and technological innovation, patent law grants them

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Conducting R&D in Malaysia? Find out all about your benefits and how to claim them!

By Kavinarasi Thavanendran An amendment to Section 2 of the Promotion and Investment Act 1986 (“PIA 1986”) altered the definition of “Contract R&D Company” and “R&D Company” in Malaysia. According to PIA 1986: Contract R&D Company means, “a company which provides R&D services in Malaysia only to companies other than its related companies and approved

Conducting R&D in Malaysia? Find out all about your benefits and how to claim them! Read More »

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